Today started out like any other day. I got up, went downstairs for my first stab at waking Carlos up. He grunted and said he would get up, so I went back upstairs. I couldn't hear any movement, so I went back down and he was asleep again. I told him to get up and banged on his wall (don't worry... he told me that if he doesn't wake up I have his permission to hit him with a hammer. I would never do that...yet). He was walking into his bathroom when I went back upstairs this time. Again, no audible movement, so I went back down and he was in bed asleep again. Grrr! So I woke him up again and threatened him with gross American food for breakfast (it always works). He finally got up and got ready. By now, it had been 40 minutes since the process began. Fewsh! So I finally get him to BYU, and head to work.
I get to work and open my email. To my amazement, this is the email in my Inbox...
My son Reid wrote today and one of his requests was to write you and tell you how much he and all the missionaries love your son. He said he's an assistant to the president and all the missionaries think he's the greatest. So, the message is delivered, you probably already know he's the greatest!
I was in complete shock. I started to cry, and didn't quite know what to do. Every mom knows that this is the moment you wait for. We all love our children and think they are wonderful, but to have someone say it out of the blue takes your breath away. So I responded, saying thank you, and soon received a response...
He must be pretty amazing, to my son at least, because he's only named two other elders the entire time he's been out, with the exception of his companions. So from Reid it is the highest compliment, he his a man of few words.
Wow. What a great day! It makes everything worthwhile. Those of you that know me, know that my life has not gone exactly according to textbook. You begin to wonder if your stupid choices have effected your children beyond repair. My home teacher, Brother Tyler, always talks about getting "hugs from the Lord". He said that whenever something wonderful happens unexpectedly, it's a hug from the Lord. Today I experienced a bear hug.

I'm not one to boast, or even talk about myself, but I couldn't hold this inside. I know that my close friends and my sister and nieces will be OK with me boasting this time. I'm so proud of Drew. He is absolutely the most wonderful thing in my life. I am so honored to be his mom. His accomplishments are his own; I do not take credit for who he is. But dang, I'm so glad that I get to be a part of his life.
Wow!!!!! I don't even know what to say!!! He is amazing. I have to say that you are an amazing Mother, and even though you don't think his accomplishments are yours, you are a huge reason he turned out to be SO awesome! You're an awesome Mom!!!!
I agree with with Holly's comment. (well said holly!)
Drew is an exceptional person. He radiates love and acceptance. I'm not surprised that he made such a great impression on Reid. I am certain that he has the same great effect on the other elders and people he comes in contact with.
I'm proud of Drew, and of you. Keep braggin', I love it!
P.S. You need to get a REALLY annoying alarm clock for Carlos!
Boast away. He IS an amazing person. And you ARE an amazing mom. So there.
There is a fantastic missionary in our ward who I have been so impressed with who is going home soon. I told Jake that I should write a quick letter to his mom to express gratitude for the work he's done in the ward. I almost let that pass from my mind. You have inspired me to just do it. It will mean so much to his mom.
NOW, my vote is that you invest in a trumpet. Not only would that wake Carlos up, but it would be really fun to wake him up.
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